Spare parts for various sectors
Starting from the customer's drawing or from a prototype, Metal System develops the design and the manufactures equipment and special parts for different market sectors, thus covering the whole process of product industrialization. The parts can be supplied complete with assembly, threading, tumbling, coating , with any type of heat treatment (induction and vacuum hardening),and chemical-galvanic treatment required by the customer (chrome plating, anodizing, burnishing, nickel plating, galvanizing, nitriding). For these treatments, we refer to specialized reliable and qualified companies, strictly complying with the quality standards of our services and with which we have a permanent collaboration.
Il settore del air conditioning sectors. è uno dei nostri settori d’interesse principali, per questo, siamo specializzati in: stampi per la produzione di pacchi alettati, disegno e realizzazione di matrici, punzoni e lame. Ricambi per macchine del condizionamento, per esempio: aste di mandrinatura, tagliatubi e accessori, formatori bicchieri, ogive e anime di curvatura per forcellatrici e curvettatrici. Infine, ci occupiamo della ricambistica di tutte le macchine per il settore degli scambiatori di calore.
Over the years, we have specialized in the production of spare parts for specific machines in this sector, such as: screwing groups, glue and insertion groups, pick&place groups, manipulators, positioners.
Our state-of-the-art machinery allows us to manufacture specific components for the medical sector, and mainly: molds for the production of disposable devices, injectors for pharmaceutical products, spare parts and equipment for filling and casting machines, loaders, manipulators, and packing machines.
Thanks to many years of experience in the automotive sector, we provide spare parts for metal stamping and blanking machines, punching machines, mechanical components for testing and assembling, precision mechanical parts according to the customer’s drawings.
We supply spare parts for cosmetics-manufacturing machines, such as molds that can be customized according to the customer's needs, spare parts for packaging machines, filling groups, dosers and pick&place groups.
We manufacture equipment and spare parts for food industry, such as coolers, mixers, sorters, conveyor belts, machinery for washing and processing food products.